This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Metron Community

real-time big data security

Project Members

Name Apache Id Role
James Sirota jsirota PMC
Owen O’Malley omalley PMC
Sheetal Dolas sheetal_dolas PMC
Casey Stella cestella PMC
Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli vinodkv PMC
George Vetticaden gvetticaden PMC
Ryan Merriman rmerriman PMC
P. Taylor Goetz ptgoetz PMC
Jim Baker jimbaker PMC
Mark Bittmann mbittmann PMC
Brad Kolarov bjkolly PMC
Dave Hirko dbhirko PMC
Larry McCay lmccay PMC
Charles Porter cporter PMC
David Lyle lyle PMC
Nick Allen nickallen PMC
Michael Miklavcic mmiklavcic PMC
Justin Leet leet PMC
Otto Fowler otto PMC
Kyle Richardson kylerichardson Committer
Matt Foley mattf Committer
Jon Zeolla jonzeolla Committer
JJ Meyer jmeyer Committer
Raghu Mitra iraghumitra Committer
Anand Subramanian anandsubbu Committer

Community Resources

Apache Metron provides user and development mailing lists, a Github repository, a JIRA site, and list of community members to enable you to learn more about Metron. Feel free to join any of the mailing lists and the Metron IRC channel, and view the code on Github.


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